Streaming RTP from PC to Barix Devices

Quite often there is a need to stream from a PC to Barix devices. The most convenient and most standard way is to use RTP.

Barix offers several tools for streaming RTP.

MP3 RTP Streamer

MP3 RTP Streamer is an interactive Java tool developed by Barix, that can run on Windows, Linux or MAC.

You can download it from Barix Website: [1] Read the User Manual for further instructions to use.

VLC Media Player

As alternate option the VLC Media player can be used. The VLC Media Player is freeware from the internet and allows to stream audio files, playlists and the PC audio inputs (e.g. line & microphone) over network to other targets, e.g. to the Barix Exstreamer.

Please check the Barix VLC Media Player - Howto [2] for more details.

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