IPAM 100 Analog Charateristics

Revision as of 15:43, 10 February 2009 by Domenico (talk | contribs)

Here following the "typical" values for the Analog Characteristics of the IPAM 100 as reported on Codec Datasheet. This values apply to the IPAM module and not to the assembled products (i.e. Annuncicom, Instreamer).

Parameter                               Ι  Value   Ι  Unit  

Microphone input amplitude              Ι    282   Ι  mVpp
Microphone Total Harmonic Distortion    Ι   0.01   Ι   %
Microphone S/N Ratio                    Ι     73   Ι  dB
Microphone input impedances             Ι     94   Ι  KΩ

Line input amplitude                    Ι    3.2   Ι  Vpp
Line input Total Harmonic Distortion    Ι   0.01   Ι   %
Line input S/N Ratio                    Ι     74   Ι  dB
Line input impedance                    Ι     67   Ι  KΩ

Full Scale Output Voltage (Peak-to-peak)Ι   2.27   Ι Vpp
Output Total Harmonic Distortion        Ι   0.05   Ι   %
Output S/N Ratio (full scale signal)    Ι     94   Ι  dB
Interchannel Isolation (Cross Talk)     Ι     80   Ι  dB

Analog Output Load Resistance           Ι     16   Ι   Ω
Analog Output Load Capacitance          Ι    100   Ι  pF