Configuration Update

Configuration Update

The current configuration is stored in a non-volatile memory (EEPROM). The memory layout depends on the specific Firmware. If you updated the device with a new Firmware make sure to apply the “factory defaults configuration”. If you update the device with a different type of a firmware (e.g. load ABCL over the Exstreamer) make sure that you do the serial update. The current configuration can be changed via the web user interface. When hit the “Apply” button the new values are stored into the EEPROM.

Factory defaults using Serial Rescue

The EEPROM is overwritten during a Serial Rescue by the factory defaults configuration using the binary file config.bin which is located in the folder “update_rescue” of the delivered Firmware Update Kit. This file can be edited with a hex editor. Consult the “configuration memory usage” table carefully before you make any changes.

Factory defaults using Web Update

The “factory defaults configuration” (config.bin) is also contained in the application image which is loaded into the flash memory. When applying the “Web Update” make sure to apply the “factory defaults configuration” by pushing the reset button for more than 10 seconds.

Common Gateway Interface (CGI)

The current configuration can also be changed using the CGI API embedded in every Barix devices. The GET method allows to set new configuration values for every variable available on the WEB user interface of the device. The method is easy but the detailed usage may depend on the tool and version used on the PC server side. Here following is an example using GNU Wget ver.1.11.4:

On a device (IP running the Streaming Client Firmware we want to set the SNMP server IP address to

wget "--post-data=B686=192&B687=168&B688=2&B689=111&"  http ://

The variable's name (e.g. B686) can be found looking in html source of the device WEB UI or in Technical Documentation of the specific Firmware.