SonicIP Howto
This Howto describes how to change the SonicIP voice in a Barix device.
This is useful for instance if you want to translate the sonic IP to your language or create a different voice.
Record the files
First of all, record on a PC or any other digital recorder the following words: "zero", "one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "nine" and "dot". Do not lower or raise your voice at the beginning or at the end of the words, speak as if you were reading a continuous text.
When recording, make sure that there is no noise in the background which would disturb the voice. Make sure there is no plop or click at the beginning or at the end. Use a quality microphone.
It is recommended to record one file with pauses between the words and then cut it into separate files with an audio editor. You can use a free audio editor Audacity. You can also use the audio editor for post-processing like noise removal.
Store each word into a separate file and encode it as MP3. Select the lowest bitrate to make small files. All files must fit into 64kB.