-- Barix MIB Registration Authority -- This is the authority for defining MIB items under barix { enterprises 17491 } -- If new branches are needed then this file MUST be updated -- Version: 1.0 -- Date: 22 May, 2008 -- Copyright (c) 2008 Barix AG -- Changes: -- 20050322 Kevin Smyth created -- As at 20050322 only the barionet and audio branches are used -- 20060116 streamer added -- 20060306 KS unit, net, hostname added -- 20071217 KS io added -- 20080602 KS product abcl and gpt (general purpose text strings) added -- 20080612 PK traps defined in a separate file BARIX-ABCL-TRAPS-MIB BARIX-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS enterprises, IpAddress, Counter, TimeTicks FROM RFC1155-SMI OBJECT-TYPE FROM RFC-1212 DisplayString FROM RFC-1213; barix OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { enterprises 17491 } products OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { barix 1 } systems OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { barix 2 } unit OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { barix 3 } -- 4-9 Spare oem OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { barix 10 } barionet OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 1 } exstreamer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 2 } instreamer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 3 } annuncicom OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 4 } abcl OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { products 5 } streamer OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { exstreamer 2 } audio OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { systems 1 } -- unit Group -- contains information common to all Barix units -- net OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { unit 1 } netHostName OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..15)) MAX-ACCESS read-only STATUS current DESCRIPTION "The bootP and DHCP host name" ::= { net 1 } -- Io io OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { unit 2 } -- The input table -- This is a general purpose table of IO values. -- In initial versions of the SNMP supported abcl values up to 600 addresses are supported -- The function of the various addresses is device dependant and documented in the -- ABCL Technical Documentation. ioTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF IoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A list of I/O variables, indexed 1..1000 The function of the various addresses is device dependant" ::= { io 1 } ioEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX IoEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A specific digital input entry." INDEX { ioIndex } ::= { ioTable 1 } IoEntry ::= SEQUENCE { ioIndex INTEGER (1..1000), ioValue INTEGER (0..4294967295), } ioIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..1000) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The variable number. one to 1000" ::= { ioEntry 1 } ioValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The current value of the variable " ::= { ioEntry 2 } -- abcl Group -- contains information for abcl use -- -- general purpose text strings (gpt) gpt OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { abcl 1} -- The general purpose text string table. -- This table was created to provide some degree of flexibility to the BCL programmer. -- The table allows up to 64 OCTET STRINGS (maximum size 127 charactes) to be defined at will. -- These can then be used in Traps or can be polled directly by an SNMP Manager. gptTable OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF GptEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A Table of general purpose stings, indexed 1..64 The meaning of the various strings is abcl application dependant" ::= { gpt 1 } gptEntry OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX GptEntry ACCESS not-accessible STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "A specific string entry." INDEX { gptIndex } ::= { gptTable 1 } GptEntry ::= SEQUENCE { gptIndex INTEGER (1..64), gptValue DisplayString (SIZE (0..127)), } gptIndex OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX INTEGER (1..64) ACCESS read-only STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string number" ::= { gptEntry 1 } gptValue OBJECT-TYPE SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..127)) ACCESS read-write STATUS mandatory DESCRIPTION "The string text" ::= { gptEntry 2 } -- Traps -- Traps are defined in a separate MIB file BARIX-ABCL-TRAPS-MIB END